Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Grateful Dead, and the definition of customer loyalty

In the book "Start with Why" it defines customer loyalty in this way, "loyalty is when someone is willing to to suffer some inconvenience or pay a premium to do business with you." Do you have customers that fit this

Posted in customer loyalty, Deadheads, dedicated tribe, The Grateful Dead

Why is Memorial Day important?

It depends on who you ask. It's the unofficial beginning of summer, a 3-day weekend, time to head to the beach, family picnic or ballpark. All good things. I prefer the original reason for why Memorial Day is a holiday.

Posted in Civil War, Decoration Day, Memorial Day, military, pride, say thank you

Can we change the hiring paradigm?

Those who participate in the Connecticut Re-Employment Group on LinkedIn have seen this subject come up in the past few weeks. It's important to think of the goal when contemplating change. Job seekers want access. Access to the right people,

Posted in Connecticut Re-Employment Group, engagement, hiring managers, LinkedIn, online brand, recruiters, social media

The most important thing to do today is…

What is it? Were you expecting me to tell you what is YOUR most important thing to do today? Sorry, it's not my job! Are you looking to start something new today, or say goodbye to something no longer needed?

Posted in differentiate, marketing, personal branding, priorities, stories

5 Questions that will size up your job satisfaction

Do I work for an organization whose mission and methods I respect?  Does my boss authentically advocate for me?  Am I afforded sufficient variety in my day?  Is the work I do meaningful?  Do I feel valued and appreciated for

Posted in advocate, appreciation, Fast Company, Mark C. Crowley, meaning, mission, value

The Hammer and the Nail

This is not a story about carpentry or woodworking. Ironically, it is a story about the sales process. Today's your first day in sales. You are excited, motivated and have endless energy. Everyone has told you how great you would

Posted in hammer, nail, sales process

Do you want a millionaire’s lifestyle without first having $1M?

Can I see a show of hands from all who are interested? When I read Tim Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Workweek" a few years back I wasn't thinking about why he wrote it. I was fascinated by his formula for how he

Posted in 4-Hour Workweek, Simon Sinek, Start With Why, Tim Ferriss