Blog Archives

What’s worth more?

400 LinkedIn connections you barely know or 3 who will drop everything to help at a moment's notice?  Receiving birthday wishes on Facebook because your network has been prompted to do so, or getting a hand written card from a

Posted in Facebook, LinkedIn, relationships, what's worth more?

What are your marketing choices?

I love asking this question to businesses and individuals. My passion to sustain the Connecticut Re-Employment Group often leads me to think of how the job seeker can better "shop" themselves to find the right job that fits their personality.

Posted in choices, Connecticut Re-Employment Group, job seekers, LinkedIn, marketing, personal marketing

Why should I “connect” with you?

On LinkedIn?For a cup of coffee?For a drink at happy hour? Why do we connect with others? Is it obvious, or is the agenda hidden? I have changed my personal LinkedIn policy relating to connections. Thankfully I receive invitations to

Posted in invitations to connect, LinkedIn, tell me why

Can we change the hiring paradigm?

Those who participate in the Connecticut Re-Employment Group on LinkedIn have seen this subject come up in the past few weeks. It's important to think of the goal when contemplating change. Job seekers want access. Access to the right people,

Posted in Connecticut Re-Employment Group, engagement, hiring managers, LinkedIn, online brand, recruiters, social media

Double your Facebook “Likes” in 30 days

My friend Marcia LaReau is relatively new to social media marketing. Her business, Forward Motion LLC teaches the principles of career management. In a recent 30 day stretch Marcia had the good fortune of doubling her Facebook "likes" on the

Posted in Facebook, Forward Motion LLC, job seekers, LinkedIn, Marcia LaReau, underemployed

The reason I love social media

I have given this a lot of thought and here's my conclusion for why I love social media: I love conversations! This may not sound like a revelation to you. I will make my case by constructing the elements of

Posted in Connecticut Re-Employment Group, conversations, LinkedIn, social media

Do you initiate, react or stay silent?

Since the inception of LinkedIn in May 2003 we have seen a spin off industry of experts who teach LinkedIn classes. Are you new to LinkedIn? Do you want to learn advanced techniques on LinkedIn? There’s something for everyone who

Posted in branding, LinkedIn, passions, personal mission, social media, unique attributes

And the survey says…

I posed the following question to the LinkedIn/Connecticut Re-Employment Group online community: When you hear the term “personal branding” what is your reaction? It’s a central part of my career development plan.  It makes sense and see how it may

Posted in career development, Connecticut Re-Employment Group, LinkedIn, Remarkable Personal Branding


How did you choose your doctor, lawyer, hairdresser, plumber, masseuse? In title they are all the same. But they’re not! When you shop your talents do you have this mindset? “with all due respect to my competitors, they are not

Posted in LinkedIn, personal brand, Remarkable Personal Branding, shop your talents